Stay on Mission – The Parable of the Lost Sheep.
Stay on Mission is a biblical devotion to inspire passion for Jesus and prayers for the nations. This month’s text is Luke 15:1-7 The Parable of the Lost Sheep.
Stay on Mission is a biblical devotion to inspire passion for Jesus and prayers for the nations. This month’s text is Luke 15:1-7 The Parable of the Lost Sheep.
Inspiring news and updates from India, Ukraine, Cambodia and more.
Genesis 3 has much to teach us about the LORD God who loves us and pursues people to this day.
You are broadcasting hope & courage from Ukraine to Indonesia. Read stories and more here.
Before hearing the gospel explained and applied to life on FEBC Family FM, Mr Chea was a devoted persecutor of Christians!
A biblical look at why, 2000 years after the first advent, our Lord Jesus Christ is still to reappear.
Stories of broadcasting in emergencies, and testimonies from Cambodia & Thailand.
Free e-book. 9 days of readings and devotional encouragement from a ‘Lockdown’ New Testament letter.
Each season Matt Perry writes a short biblical insight that gives us prayer ideas for our FEBC listeners around the world.
FEBC South Korea has been broadcasting to North Korea for years. Our new 200,000 watt station will really help!
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