FEBC New Zealand Office Update
Dear FEBC friends, Strangely I’m writing to you from my home where my new temporary FEBC office is taking shape. My dedicated team of Cassandra
Dear FEBC friends, Strangely I’m writing to you from my home where my new temporary FEBC office is taking shape. My dedicated team of Cassandra
“This is the first time that I have listened to your program.
A recent project of ministry collaboration involved producing the Audio Bible in Mandarin and Cantonese in the Revised Chinese Union Version. This is available on
[google-pdf url=”https://docs.google.com/gview?url=https://febc.nz/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/SUMMER_2020_skywaves-web.pdf&embedded=true” height=”4700px”]
The Tsaatan people are nomadic herders of reindeer. They are very superstitious, and there are no known Christian believers among them. You are broadcasting to them with FEBC.
Enjoy an interview with FEBC New Zealand director Matt Perry. Following a visit to two stations in Southeast Asia, Matt shares briefly about Bible Correspondence
The church has announced that no party member or non-adults are allowed to go to the church anymore.
Read about radios and broadcasts being delivered in Kyrgyzstan, Indonesia, Mongolia and Vietnam…
In Thailand, the majority of our FEBC Bible correspondence students are in prison.
Your encouragement newsletter with stories this month from China, Cambodia, and Ukraine…
I met a listener in Asia and I noticed him because he only had half an arm!