Yemen – The largest humanitarian crisis in the world (U.N.)
Yemen is the poorest country in the Arab World and its people are suffering in a dreadful sectarian war that’s been raging since 2014.
In the midst of this conflict, radio and digital media is reaching thousands with God’s promise of peace, forgiveness and hope.
When you support FEBC you enable our partners in the region to broadcast the living hope of the risen Lord Jesus to Yemeni people. Our various programmes are aimed at men, women, and children. People are listening and some are turning to Jesus.
We know this because we receive around 3000 engagements from listeners every month. Phonecalls, texts and WhatsApp are the main contact tools, and our broadcast partners work with the national church to both produce programmes and follow-up on inquiries.
Click here to read Abdullah’s story.
Your donations this year help us buy airtime and produce programmes for the rest of the year. NZ$90 provides around 20 minutes of broadcasting. NZ$270 gives a whole hour!
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,…
1 Peter 1:3
Yemen has been divided in civil war for years, and right now her people are suffering terribly from famine, dengue sickness, and the worst cholera outbreak in recored history (according to the United Nations).
The Christian minority in Yemen is a beacon of light in a very dark time. From this vibrant and growing group, believers gather informative and encouraging content for The Yemen Project broadcasts. They are our partners and they need your prayers and support.
The church in Yemen is approximately 0.08% of the 27 million people, and as one of the most conservative countries in the Arab World, there is virtually no religious freedom. In this context, one of the only ways anyone can hear the good news of love, hope, and victory in Jesus Christ is by radio.
Please join our broadcasters and help Yemeni families with a donation today.
FEBC NZ is supporting Feba UK’s work with other partners in the Arab World, Middle East.
Our work with partners and communities in the Middle East uses media as a vehicle for change. Broadcasts inspire the church, inform and disciple all listeners, and address contemporary issues from a biblical perspective. Our follow-up team are trained counsellors who develop long-lasting relationships with listeners and walk with them as they encounter the Christian faith.
Why radio for Yemen?
Radio is hugely important as it communicates to people safely and they can listen anonymously. Through our partners in the area, we broadcast each day for over an hour – reaching out to isolated and vulnerable believers which is particularly important in a time of conflict.
They feel isolated and fearful. It can be a very lonely faith journey and a lonely existence. So often, we’ve heard from listeners who believed they were the only Christian in the country – it’s an enormous encouragement for them when they tune in and realise they’re not, in fact, alone.
Each year Feba UK spends over £100,000 in Yemen so that marginalised Yemeni believers can demonstrate the love of God for their fellow countrymen, and help them tackle everyday Yemeni issues such as children’s health, women’s rights and ongoing conflict, from a Christian perspective. FEBC New Zealand contributes approximately* NZ$17,000 each year and your support makes that possible (* Due to exchange rate fluctuations etc).
The cost of serving the Yemeni people is high because security issues mean extra care has to be taken to protect the producers and their families as they go about their important work. The programmes also have to be broadcast into Yemen from outside the country, which requires more expensive short wave radio technology. Modern smartphone applications are also being used so that communication is broad and two-way.
Help make sure words of love and enduring hope continue to be broadcast in Yemen. Together, we can ensure that hidden communities are supported, encouraged and enabled to get on with their lives.
FEBC New Zealand and Feba UK are Members of FEBC International.
Please click Donate, and choose from the drop-down menu: “Project / Appeal / Christmas etc.” You can type ‘Yemen’ in the space provided. Thank you.