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consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus accumsan consequat mauris, eget hendrerit velit pharetra non. Pellentesque egestas tortor sed sem blandit, eu euismod dolor pellentesque. Mauris fermentum, nunc et aliquet porta, arcu ante posuere nunc, bibendum faucibus sapien erat sed dolor.
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Whether the waters are rising or the ground is shaking, a survivor’s needs in the immediate aftermath of a disaster are the same.
They need to know what to do and where to go to stay alive.
And they need hope.*
But without power and the internet, radio is one of the only sources of information.
You can help meet the immediate needs of desperate survivors in the hardest hit areas.
Create a lifeline for survivors by broadcasting crucial information and messages of hope within 72 hours of a disaster.
With your help, First Response Radio teams will be trained, equipped, and ready to act in an emergency. The calm voice of trained broadcasters on the ground will provide reassurance to survivors. When they don’t know where to turn for help, 24/7 radio broadcasts offer practical information, connection, and hope.
Your help is so important to help vulnerable nations prepare for the worst.
Thank you for offering hope and saving lives.
*FEBC International is proud to offer this compassionate and humanitarian ministry alongside our primary calling of outreach and discipleship media. First Response Radio is the same people with the same heart, helping in different circumstances. You can read more about First Response Radio here.