Wills & Bequests


Imagine that – still speaking of God’s goodness on earth long after you’ve gone to be with Jesus!

Leaving a gift in your will could be the most life-changing donation you make. Bequests can be a more substantial donation than is normally possible. In fact, with a bequest gift you could literally share the love of God with millions of people for years after you’re gone!  After taking care of your family and loved ones, it’s a great way to ensure your ministry beliefs and values go on making a difference.

Please read on, and if you arrived on this page from another site – don’t forget to look around and learn a little more about Far East Broadcasting Company (FEBC). If you have any other questions, feel free to make contact with our office in whatever way suits you (click ‘CONTACT’ in the menu above).

How does a gift in my will work?

All you need to do is explain to your solicitor (or a trustee company) who you wish to give to, and in what proportions. There are only a few important details that your will must include, but your solicitor or a trustee company will give you professional advice, and they look after the wording. If you leave a gift of any amount to FEBC, you will need to include our official name and our charity registration number. They are:

FEBC-NZ Radio International Incorporated

What kinds of bequests are there?

The main types of bequests are Percentage, Residuary, or Specific Gift.  A percentage is a gift designated as a percentage or fraction of your estate. This is a very popular way to apportion your estate because it is future proof. We encourage you to consider this method and divide up your estate in percentage parts. This way, whatever state your valuables are in when you pass away, your legacy intentions are preserved in the same proportions.

New Radio Mien

What could my gift be used for?

Whatever you wish. You can choose the area your bequest is used for so you can resource the kind of ministry that’s really important to you. Alternatively, a gift to “Where most needed,” or simply unspecified, will allow Far East Broadcasting Company to choose the most significant needs at that time in the future.

You might be surprised how a percentage of your estate (the total of all your assets after debts are taken out) could be a significant amount, and make a huge difference to a city or a people group.

  1. Your gift could establish a new FM station in a city somewhere.
  2. It could provide an ethnic people group with a daily broadcast in their own language.
  3. It could establish a new Disaster Response Team in a disaster-prone region, and save thousands of lives in the future.

What if I don’t have a will?

If you don’t yet have a will, we highly recommend you begin the process today. If you die without a will your estate will be distributed according to the ADMINISTRATION ACT 1969. Your solicitor, or a trustee company can help you with creating or amending a will. If you would like a recommendation, our office can put you in touch with a friendly law firm.

What if I already have a will? Can I change it?

Yes. Simply approach your lawyer or trustee company, and explain your new wishes. You do not need to write a legal paragraph, your lawyer will arrange all of that.

Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ. – Romans 10:17

Thank you for thinking of others, and considering radio ministry and the mission of God in your will. Broadcasting the love and purposes of God through Christ-centred programmes is a wonderful way to continue expressing your faith, and to ensure your values are lived out for years to come. If you decide to include a gift to FEBC in your will, we hope you enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that thousands (probably more like millions) will hear about Jesus because of it.

If we can offer you any more help or information, please free-phone or email us today:

Abbie Harris
Free-phone  0800 433 226  (0800 4FEBCNZ)

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