Welcome. These printable “Tell the World” pages are designed to inspire young hearts and minds with God’s amazing love for all peoples.
Each page is a double-sided interactive sheet with various activities including colouring-in, word searches, puzzles, maps, and info about communications and media. At FEBC we are the ‘Radio & Media Missions People’ so we love helping young minds learn that God has loving purpose in the world, and that includes how technology and media is used to spread that love and purpose.
Ideal for kids 8 to 12 years old.
See a preview of resources available
You Can Too
Two by Two
FRR Colour
Crossword Fruits
Follow these instructions to download and enjoy the children’s activity sheets.
Please fill out the registration form below. Then you will be offered all the current Activity Sheets to download to your computer. From there you will be able to print whichever ones you like.
If you don’t have a printer – please call our office and we will help you. Freephone 0800 433 226 that’s 0800 4febcnz