A Clever Radio

Thank you for shopping with purpose

Your purchases from our ‘Shop to Support’ store will help communicate the love of God with millions of listeners around the world.

Direct from FEBC

When you purchase these items directly from FEBC you help bring Christ to the world by media, broadcasting lifegiving programmes in over 150 languages across the globe. Thank you.

Our team will send your order as soon as possible, please allow up to 10 working days for delivery. 

From our Partners

These amazing businesses and people support our work by donating a portion of the sale back to our ministry. Thank you for supporting them and us.

Orders will be dispatched directly from our partner. For coffee orders, please click through to the Diesel Coffee website on the product page to complete your order. For books and cards, complete the order form, and someone will contact you to complete your order. Links are in the product pages below.

Book order from FEBC

Greeting card order from FEBC