“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.”
Each season Matt Perry writes a short biblical insight that gives us prayer ideas for our FEBC listeners around the world. They are designed to be short and sweet, and inspire biblical prayers for anyone anywhere.
This season’s scripture is Matthew 9:36
All throughout Jesus’ healing and revealing tour of Galilee and the Decapolis, and including the Sermon on the Mount, he was followed by large crowds. These were masses of interested listeners, people hoping for a life-changing encounter of some sort.
Many in the crowd needed physical healing, and all were soaking up the amazing authoritative teaching about life and faith.
As well as being told that large crowds ‘followed’ Jesus, we’re also told several times that Jesus ‘saw’ the crowds (Matt 5:1; 8:18; 9:36).
As Christ followers, let us ‘see the crowds.’ Let us consider the millions in Yemen in such great need of healing and hope. Many are listening to FEBC Christian radio partners. Let us consider the millions in China, Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Ukraine, to name a few. Let us notice these people and consider their plight. Most are living under Muslim, Buddhist or Communist leadership, and many testify to feeling helpless and pushed around by circumstances way beyond their control. Circumstances like political, religious, military and pandemic restrictions.
Let us see and pray:
- That many will be amazed at what they hear on the radio or App, and find hope in God;
- That the millions of listeners we have will stay tuned, and invite their friends and family to ‘join the listening crowds.’
- That Jesus will give us his eyes to see people with compassion, give us a merciful perspective on the nations.
- That more New Zealanders will have compassion on the crowds among the nations;

Thanks for praying with us. Take courage, Matt.