Brother ‘Chen’ joins 40,732 others in class.
For more than 40 years FEBC Chinese Ministries has been teaching Bible and Ministry classes by media, developing Christian leaders and building up the church. Liangyou Theological Seminary (LTS) is the training ministry alongside our main broadcasting outreach. A Chinese brother, Chen, recently wrote to thank our online teaching team.
“The teaching materials on ‘Church Revival’ moved me to tears. I am so touched that there are so many Christians before me who loved the Lord so single-mindedly, and so many who lead the church to revival and impactful lives. I’ve learned so much from the programmes and from my predecessors. Thank you.”
Thousands enrol in our online classes. Millions use the lessons.
Chen signed up in 2023, to make up 40,733 site users! He also enrolled in order to be tutored and graduate one day. Altogether users downloaded 2,224,928 Bible School lessons in audio and print format! That’s a lot of teaching and learning – thanks to you. While thousands of people use the LTS materials, a smaller number enrol and study formally towards a diploma or degree.
Thanks to you again, New Zealand funded 200 enrolled students. In 2023, 430 Chinese Christians graduated.