“I don’t think I will change station.”

This story just in from Thailand highlights that there are several ways people find FEBC stations on the radio. Often it is word-of-mouth, but a large number of people just discover us on the dial, so we constantly hear from people like Mrs S. This is what she said:

“This is the first time that I have listened to your program. I have just accidentally tuned in to this station and I don’t think that I will change to another station. I like the program as the DJ speaks very nicely, he also had beautiful songs in the program. I am a retired teacher. If you also give out some books, please send some to me. Thank you very much!

Mrs S listened to the programme “Heart Friend.” She called us by phone.

Radios don’t need to be beautiful, it’s the sound that matters! We distribute thousands of new radios every year.


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