*** News on Nepal Quake***
News from Nepal is slowly coming out. The situation is devastating and we call on all our friends and partners to pray. Right now our staff outside Nepal are coordinating with the humanitarian aid community to ensure the most cooperative response possible.
FEBC’s partner ministry First Response Radio is established in Nepal and has conducted First Response broadcasting training in the country. Equipment and trainined local staff are on hand in Kathmandu.
FEBC International has partner stations in Nepal and thankfully reports indicate that they are fine. We also have trainied First Response teams in India and Pakistan who are relating with our International coordinators on the ground in Nepal. We will bring news of the role of First Response Radio in bringing critical information to the affected communities, as soon as it is available to us. In the meantime, please continue to pray, Thank you.
Nepali earthquake survivors keep up to date on their mobiles. (picture courtesy BBC)