Cambodia needs easy access to the Word of God for all its people. Therefore we broadcast a daily Bible reading programme chapter by chapter through the new Testament. Inspiring all listeners, and especially for illiterate people or those without a Bible, this is a lively and dynamic way to start and end the day for everyone.
Thanks to a collaboration between FEBC, Bible Society Cambodia, and Faith Comes by Hearing, this is a powerful programme announcing the scriptures over the Khmer people. Local voices, male and female, read a chapter a day, from Matthew’s gospel to the Book of Revelation. This biblical journey takes about one year to complete.
Programmes air on 99.5 FM across Phnom Penh, 99.8 FM across Kampong Thom. Also streaming on the FEBCambodia website and Facebook page for access anytime.
Project Purpose: That Cambodian people will hear God’s Word and experience his presence, love and encouragement through the listening encounters.
If you like the sound of this project, please pray for its success, and consider donating to keep it on air. Thank you.
New Mobile Studio vehicle project for 2023
2023 will mark 100 years of modern mission activity in Cambodia. To help celebrate this occasion, and to tell more Khmer people about Jesus Christ, FEBC is developing a Mobile Studio for Live Broadcasting from everywhere.
FEBC New Zealand is helping to buy, equip, and send out this Mobile Studio vehicle. In Spring 2022 we launched our Spring Appeal to help raise the funds needed to purchase the van and set up this mobile radio station. You can help make this happen, and help FEBC Cambodia engage face to face with people in every province.
To donate to this ‘first of its kind’ radio project in Cambodia, please click the green DONATE button at the top right of your screen, and choose ‘Other/Project’ from the support options.
Thank you. Your prayers and support are broadcasting life-giving programmes to millions of listeners. This project is not simply about a vehicle, but a totally new way to engage with this beautiful nation, especially young people.
Cambodia is approximately 16.5 million people, and 95% Theravada Buddhist. Khmer is the offical language spoken by more than 95% of the population.
FEBCambodia works in partnership with numerous ministries and NGOs to improve the quality of life for Cambodian people. Serving the nation with biblical teaching, devotions, and programmes for outreach and discipleship of numerous kinds. Also community focused radio programmes promoting leadership development, education, environment, healthcare, water sanitation, personal safety, women’s issues, marriage seminars and more.