Life at a distance is the new reality for hundreds of millions of people, so studying the Bible and training for Christian service by radio and media is absolutely perfect for Chinese Christians.
Welcome to LTS – the Biblical training ministry of FEBC China Ministries, offering foundational and diploma courses for laypeople and pastors. Over the last 40 years LTS has equipped thousands of Chinese Christians to serve their nation and the body of Christ.
Help Chinese Christians get ready to preach, teach, and endure hardship.
It is not easy for those Christians who step up to leadership and teach others to follow Jesus. They are the ones most likely to suffer for their faith. Your support of FEBC’s Bible College by Media ensures that the “pattern of sound teaching” that the Apostle Paul taught young Timothy, is kept and passed on to the next generation (2 Timothy 1:13).
This ministry trains Christians to “correctly handle” the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15). This training builds confidence in the Word and courage to plant and lead churches. Click here to read a supporting article from China Source about the history and nature of FEBC’s Liangyou Theological Seminary.
“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”
2 Timothy 2:15
When one Christian enrols, dozens of others sit in on their lessons!
Because we use radio and mobile sites to deliver the Bible and Ministry courses, we know how many people download our apps and how many lessons are listened to. In 2023 alone more than 40,000 people registered for the courses, and over 2,200,000 lessons were downloaded.
While thousands of people register and enrol to study for credit and graduation, many thousands simply use the course material for their personal discipleship growth. Many use it to help prepare Sunday School and preaching material for their communities. $15 month sponsors a student to enrol and study, but over a year thousands of other Christians benefit from the materials available online.
FEBC International has been broadcasting in China since 1947 and a special theological training branch like LTS is a natural and vital aspect of serving the people of China and building the body of Christ. FEBC currently graduates at least 300 students a year.
FEBC New Zealand pledges to train at least 100 lay-people across China every year. China needs many more trained Christian leaders, and offering Bible College by media for lay people is the best way to meet that need. You can effectively plant a church in China by sponsoring a Christian through our media Bible college.
“We trust that equipping one pastor equals building up one church in China!” Rev. Raymond Lo, Executive Director of FEBC China Ministries.
You may be surprised to know that China only has around 60,000 pastoral staff, including only 10,000 theologically trained pastors. The need is still great for grass-roots biblical training, by Chinese for Chinese. FEBC is currently graduating at least 300 each year.
CLICK HERE to donate to Liangyou Theological Seminary
Practical theological training equips pastors and lay people to live and serve well across at least three key ministry areas:
- to teach the Word of God – a vital element of any Christian discipleship.
- to stand strong against the rampant attacks of cults – like Eastern Lightening.
- to strengthen the whole church to withstand persecution. Recent reports in some provinces say police are checking mobile phones of local citizens and surveillance is the tightest ever!
Operation World states:
“The lack of Bible knowledge and a paucity of leadership open the way for many exotic messianic, syncretistic and divisive groups. Some of these have spread over much of China, such as the aggressive and heretical ‘Eastern Lightning’ cult. Pray that these groups’ growth might be foiled by the proclamation of God’s truth through biblical teaching, radio and literature.”
Studying with Liangyou Theological Seminary is done with course material via the web, AM radio, smartphone Apps, shortwave radio, USB drive, and face to face study camps. We offer training in every way available so that students can access the teaching wherever they are, and in whatever circumstances they live.
Could you sponsor a Chinese student through Bible College by media? Just $15 a month will pay a student’s fees, or a gift of any amount will train a Christian for leadership and the work of the Lord.
Click here to begin sponsoring a student – choose “Regular Gift” ‘Dedicated Broadcaster’ and leave us a comment saying Chinese Bible College.